Genealogy and Family History Education

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There are many groups in WA who provide education courses on how to go about genealogical or family history research and research methods.


The Western Australian Genealogical Society is a leader in this area and has a comprehensive Education Programme covering many aspects of research.

Many of the local studies libraries provide short courses on their own collections, and also have outside speakers on family history topics.

Country based societies run their own courses from time to time and draw on their local knowledge and talent as well as guest speakers.


In addition to specific courses on genealogy and family history, there are various discussion groups in the Perth Metropolitan area, and also in country WA, who conduct informal talks. Some of these groups meet on a regular basis, others are more ad-hoc, but all provide an interesting mix of topics.

Special Interests

Special Interest Groups provide a place to pursue specialist knowledge.

Many organisations hold courses on specialist topics, e.g. WAGS Special Interest Groups, WA Museums, The Royal Western Australian Historical Society, and others.