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Revision as of 01:41, 29 April 2013 by Wags.webmaster (Talk | contribs) (Welcome to WAGS Wiki)

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Welcome to WAGS Wiki

The objective of this Wiki is to provide a detailed and expanding knowledge base of items on all aspects of Western Australian family history and genealogical research and education.

It is envisaged that this Wiki will include: details of the information available; locations of the data; whether held in public or private repositories or collections; and whether the data is in hard copy or digital format, and whether accessible online.

It is not intended to be an index or list of items available through commercial or online pay sites, or a catalogue of items available in libraries.

Public repositories not only cover collections held at Federal, State and Local Government jurisdictions, and available to the public, but also includes information which is held by these jurisdictions which is not readily available to the public. These repositories include Hospitals, Libraries, Museums, Schools, Universities, and other government institutions.

Public collections also include those run by non-government and not for profit organisations such as Genealogical and Family History Societies, and Local History Societies or groups. Other examples of public repositories include; Local Studies centers at local libraries; volunteer organisations operating a publicly available facility or service; and purely online facilities.

Private collections or repositories include those held by institutions and other organisations such as; Churches, Corporations, Funeral directors, Hospitals, private Schools and Universities, and individuals who may provide access to their collections to members of the public or specialist researchers.

We hope that you are able to contribute to the family history and genealogical knowledge base for Western Australia.

To contribute to WAGS Wiki you must be registered on the WAGS website. Contributions will be monitored, and moderated if necessary.

All wiki pages are open to the public.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

WAGS Webmaster